Socks, where DO they go??!!

So I my laundry is still in the works this week due to other things happening and throwing my schedule off. So I am getting Lars dressed for the day and go for the socks in the basket. I pull one after another after another trying to find a pair that match. I don't care what color they are by about sock 7, just as long as I can find a match!!! It takes until sock 14 to be a match, no kidding I counted! Those allusive socks, where do they go?? I think at times the dryer eats them and then there are days I think the washer eats some just for good measure. "Why should the dryer get all the good stuff. I mean after all I do all the work and eat all the dirt, why not a good clean sock once in awhile?" LOL Some day the mystery will be solved, either my science or the Mystery Gang!!
Well back to laundry and all the other stuff that hasn't been able to get done due to everything else this week!

A couple hours later.......

So we are working on Lars potty training. So I asked him to come try. He says he can go pee but not poop. I ask him to just try and I will give him a treat. So I help him get off his diaper (I am not wasting money on pullups until he is doing a whole lot better!) and set him up on the toilet. I ask, are you trying. He says, I getting with all my might, mom! It takes me twice before I realize what he is saying. LOL


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