Potty dinosaurs and Corn Belly's
So today was a busy day, and all with a migraine! WIC appointment in the morning, which luckily I didn't need paperwork that I thought I needed and forgot due to the migraine. Can't say enough how much I appreciate WIC. $26 a can for formula for Torben is more than we can afford on a military budget.
Then I met a friend to exchange a car seat she had of mine, and a book I borrowed from her. Then to get a doughnut for Lars since he was so good at WIC. Then I tried to get chore charts laminated, but Kinko's wanted $3 a square foot. Are they kidding me?!!! I could drive to Orem to the teacher store there and get my stuff done for cheaper and that's including the gas!!!
Then I went to Smiths and got some groceries. Lars saw those pill things that you put in water and they grow into whatever. He wanted them, BAD. So... I thought "why not use them for potty incentive?" He goes potty and he can pick one and watch it grow into a dinosaur! Needless to say he earned the first one by going poo and the second cause he was trying to hard and was upset that he only peed a tiny bit Luke said.
Anyway, then over to my in laws to drop off the quilt top I finally finished! My mother in law had a couple sewing parties to make charity quilts with her scrap material. Great fun and we got four, counting mine, done. Even Lizzy came and helped sew. Although they did 9 patch tops and I did a strip quilt that takes more time. I will try to post pics later if I remember. (I still do have a migraine!) But they finished a few weeks ago and I brought mine home and would work on it here and there. Finally got it done on Sat!
Then back to Smith's corner to meet Luke for lunch at Won Won Wok, YUM!!! Then home to put away groceries and try to get Lars and my cousin's little one, Kaylee, that I was watching, to take a nap. No such luck!
When Lance came to get Kaylee, he said he could get me free tickets to Corn Belly's if I would help watch Kaylee while he did balloon animals. DEAL!
So, dinner in kids and I left Torben home with Luke and took older kids,off to Corn Belly's. They had a blast. There were not a lot of people there so the older kids just ran around doing their thing and between Lance and I we kept eyes on them. The place isn't that big besides the mazes.
There are plenty of fun things for the little ones to do too. The older kids loved the car racetrack where they rode pedal cars. Lars loved the jumping things. Kaylee liked the slides and the houses to climb around in. And they thought the pig race was fun too. They all had a good time. Lance got to make some money and wore the kids out. I even saw a friend of mine.
Now I am ready for bed! (And now you know why the orange. Can't wait for Halloween.)
Then I met a friend to exchange a car seat she had of mine, and a book I borrowed from her. Then to get a doughnut for Lars since he was so good at WIC. Then I tried to get chore charts laminated, but Kinko's wanted $3 a square foot. Are they kidding me?!!! I could drive to Orem to the teacher store there and get my stuff done for cheaper and that's including the gas!!!
Then I went to Smiths and got some groceries. Lars saw those pill things that you put in water and they grow into whatever. He wanted them, BAD. So... I thought "why not use them for potty incentive?" He goes potty and he can pick one and watch it grow into a dinosaur! Needless to say he earned the first one by going poo and the second cause he was trying to hard and was upset that he only peed a tiny bit Luke said.
Anyway, then over to my in laws to drop off the quilt top I finally finished! My mother in law had a couple sewing parties to make charity quilts with her scrap material. Great fun and we got four, counting mine, done. Even Lizzy came and helped sew. Although they did 9 patch tops and I did a strip quilt that takes more time. I will try to post pics later if I remember. (I still do have a migraine!) But they finished a few weeks ago and I brought mine home and would work on it here and there. Finally got it done on Sat!
Then back to Smith's corner to meet Luke for lunch at Won Won Wok, YUM!!! Then home to put away groceries and try to get Lars and my cousin's little one, Kaylee, that I was watching, to take a nap. No such luck!
When Lance came to get Kaylee, he said he could get me free tickets to Corn Belly's if I would help watch Kaylee while he did balloon animals. DEAL!
So, dinner in kids and I left Torben home with Luke and took older kids,off to Corn Belly's. They had a blast. There were not a lot of people there so the older kids just ran around doing their thing and between Lance and I we kept eyes on them. The place isn't that big besides the mazes.
There are plenty of fun things for the little ones to do too. The older kids loved the car racetrack where they rode pedal cars. Lars loved the jumping things. Kaylee liked the slides and the houses to climb around in. And they thought the pig race was fun too. They all had a good time. Lance got to make some money and wore the kids out. I even saw a friend of mine.
Now I am ready for bed! (And now you know why the orange. Can't wait for Halloween.)
