Halloween test run!

Lizzy wanted to be a Forest Elf for Halloween this year.
This is the very beginning of her hair. The braids weren't what I was thinking originally but I changed it and love it!

This is the beginning before the ribbon and leaves. I was originally going to braid the ribbon into her hair, but forgot until I was halfway done.

This is the side view with the ribbon and leaves.

This is the back view.

This is her all done up with her makeup and ears! I wasn't a 100% sure what I was going to do all the way. I knew that I wanted curls and ponytails that I changed to have the braids in between in the end. I love how it all turned out and now I have had a test run and know how to do it for tomorrow!

After spending an hour on her it was a good thing I didn't have to do anything for the boys. Tanner was Ron Weasely, borrowed a robe from a friend and Lars was Tigger, had costume for that. Torebn will be a bumble bee as, each of the kids have been for their first Halloween. I can't find my orginal costume my mom made for Liz, so sad! But I found one at Wal Mart the other day.

And after spending that much time on Liz I didn't have time to figure out something for me to go as. So, I grabbed a pillow off the couch and pushed it under my shirt. LOL Luke said, that's not funny! I said, yes it is! And it was!! I had so many people who looked at me and then did double takes because they knew I wasn't pregnant but it looked so real! And since I was just pregnant a few months ago at first many didn't think anything of it, until they remembered I shouldn't be! LOL It was great! There are a few ladies in my neighborhood who are and 3 of us were wearing brown shirts at the party. Should have gotten our picture taken together, darn it! Anyway the kids had a good time. LOts of activities to do.
We'll see how tomorrow goes!


Kristal said…
Cute, love the hair! Elizabeth was bee on her first Halloween too and I was, what else? a bee keeper!
Fleck Family said…
YES Her hair looked so incredible! I am glad you did some step by step pictures of it. I should have done that on Lizzie's hair last time I did it all up.
Tell your kids they HAVE to come by my house for Halloween!
Rob and Susie said…
Great hair. Great costume. Have a great Halloween

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