Sad day.

So I have a family that I am very close with. They are like a second family to me, and they have pretty much taken me in as one of the kids. They are a his/hers family, and there were 12 kids all together. Last week one of the sisters, Lesli, lost her battle with breast cancer. Today was the funeral. We knew it was coming, for quite awhile, but it still doesn't make it easier. I know that she is in a better place, with her brother and sister and others that have passed on, but I will miss her! She was too young, only 42. Has 3 kids, the youngest will be 16 in just a few more weeks. A grand baby that she did get to spend some time with, thank goodness.
She is one of those people that will do anything for you. Will be a shoulder to lean on, cry on, vent on. Always had a smile for you. Loves her family and loves to get together with them. She didn't want anyone to feel sorry for her. Worked hard at her job and worked until she just couldn't anymore. Just one of those who you hate to see them have to go through this kind of trial and then leave us when she brought so much into our lives.
It was strange today to be around the family and look around for her and realize she's gone. It will be hard at Christmas when we have the family party and she's not there. I am grateful that everyone was there last year. (There are 9 other siblings and their families, so that is a great feat to get them all together, when they don't all live in Utah.)
I am grateful that I was privileged to know this wonderful woman! And I can't wait to see her again on the other side, where she is probably getting into mischief now that she isn't sick! LOL
Love you Lesli!!!


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