Love to laugh
So I love to laugh. I think its good for you and it always makes me feel better when I am grumpy or down or not in the mood for life. I like to watch funny movies, love a good joke and a great prank. So I happened upon a link today from yahoo that made me laugh. It's great if you read the story behind the purple thing first, but basically it was the guys who started yahoo got paint to paint their office, thought it was grey but it was light purple and they thought hey we are starting something crazy with this "yahoo" thing so let's go with it. So it's kind of their thing now I guess. So this guy in New York who does improv comedy did thing prank in an elevator. Got some actors together, made up a "wear purple" song and on 6 floors of this building each actor got on and just started up singing the song with those already on. Some of the reactions from people are so funny. Need a silly laugh, check it out.
And tomorrow.. I think I'll wear purple!
And tomorrow.. I think I'll wear purple!