movies, musicals and more!

So you know, if you have kids, that they get about 2 and they finally will sit through a video so you can actually get something done. They seem to pick one movie that they will watch 12 times a day and not get sick of it.
Lizzy's was Pooh's Grand Adventure. When I could get up in the morning, put it in, say the lines along with the movie on the way back to bed, and get up saying the lines along with the movie, without missing a beat.... it was time for the movie to disappear for awhile. LOL
Tanner's was Dumbo (not my favorite), although after talking with my mom today I think it's just the pink elephant song that drives me batty.
Lars i can't remember for the life of me today.
And Torben has found his. Curious George. It's so cute when he says George. He was making monkey sounds because we did to see if he wanted that one. He loves monkeys. My girl friend took him to the zoo during the summer and he just pointed and pointed at the monkeys.

Tanner and Lizzy are in the school musical, Beauty and the Beast, this year. We are so excited!! Just a little over a month now. If you want to buy tickets, they will be on sale starting March 8th and will be $5 for adults and $2.50 for kids. Performances will be April 1-3rd at 6:30 pm. Let us know how many you want!!

Tonight is the Blue and Gold dinner for scouting. It's 100 yrs of scouting! Boys get to makea cake and bring it for judging. Tanner loves doing this, and picked a chocolate cake with white frosting and then in blue frosting it was suppose to say, "100 yrs of scouting in the the year of the tiger" He wanting a tiger on it too. So since I would not be very good at drawing a tiger, I talked him into putting a toy tiger on it. Then HE wanted to do the frosting writing. I let him try and then scraped most of it off and I wrote. But then I had to do "Yr of tiger & 100 yrs of scouting." to fix up the cake. LOL Then he thought it would be cool to put green sprinkles on the bottom and put the toy tiger there. I will have to get pictures and put them up in a bit. Right now we have to get ready to go!
At least I don't have to worry about dinner tonight. Oh wait I do for Daddy and little ones. Oh well. He knows how to cook....


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