AHH the memories! And Valentine's Day!
So I woke up Sunday to get kids ready for church and this is what I found......
This was AWESOME!!! Now they have made them in the past but this was amazing!! They really have been thinking about this. It had to evolve a little over the day but I have to say that I was really impressed!
I remember making forts as a kid but I am pretty sure mine weren't as big as this. Room to sleep 3. LOL Or more if you count bed space. They had a blast playing in it.
Lars after playing in fort all day yesterday (monday). Lots of work to bad cowboy and shoot the bad guys and his brother. LOL Sat to watch movie with dad and I don't think it took very long for him to conk out.
This just made me laugh. He had taken a cell phone box and put it on his hands like a muff. And he was so happy. (He was in the middle of saying cheese, when I took the picture.)
This was tonight. LOL He wanted to lay downstairs although it was bedtime. Can't hurt, then he can't keep Tanner up, who has school. He didn't last very long though. He was out in about 5 mins if that. I look over a little while later and find him like this. It seems like he was trying to hold himself up so his face wasn't in the couch. LOL I turned him so he was on his back after pictures.
This is Lars in the fort before church.
One of my new favorite pictures!
And it was Valentine's weekend! Friday at school the kids had their parties. Because I was sick all week and we all forgot until the last min, that being Thursday night, when you KNOW all the valentine's are gone. SIGH... so dollar store and some fun and cheesey thinking (Thank you Mary Kay meetings) we had valentine's to give away! And no candy, just fun!
Then Lizzy's party was actually a dance! The 6th graders have been learning dancing for at least a couple months. I don't rmember how long Lizzy has been saying, "Mom I need a dress for the Valentine's Dance!" Yeah well I fixed a seam in an old skirt of mine and gave it to her. She was thrilled!
And this is where I leave for the night. To join in the ranks of those sleeping in the house.
Good Night!