So while cooking dinner Lizzy decided that she didn't want I was making so she went to make a peanut butter and honey sandwich. She grabbed the peanut butter and turned, seriously 5 seconds later, if that, and the honey was missing. Guess who had it?!! And what he was doing?
OH seeing how it looks on the floor! Pretty huh?! AARRGGG!!!!

And this is just a few minutes before Bishop Bill Ackley and Elders quorum president, Garrett show up at the door for a visit! LOL Yeah, they sat and visited while Liz and I scooped up honey. SIGH. Well Garrett, who used to be our home teacher, had a carpet cleaner he offered to loan us. Which is good, because ours wasn't working right and I knew that I needed to clean the carpet, as if it's not bad enough, at least where the honey was. Because where the honey would just grab every little particle of dirt!

The honey bear was nearly full before..... And after.... Needless to say, I need to buy more honey.

It's a good thing that they look so cute sleeping. And it's a good thing that he is #4 and I am starting to realize, I wish I would have with #1 more, that these little things are but a passing moment and they grow up so fast! And as I told Liz to get the camera and she said, really? I said yes because we'll laugh later. Really I was half laughing then, just not at having to clean up the honey. And as Garrett said, and he couldn't do it in the kitchen, where it would be easy to clean up.
Well, no.. that would be easy. LOL Oh well. It won't matter in another month. Really, it doesn't matter now.

It's stuff. Just stuff. And he's growing up so fast!! They all are! Lizzy will be 13 in a few months!
Where does it go? I knew it would fly by, but not this fast! And even now that I know it goes so fast, it almost seems to go faster. I knew I wanted them to grow up and experience life and do all that they were sent to earth to do, but I did also know I didn't want it. I want them to stay kids as long as possible. I really do. I have a hard time sometimes pushing them to do some things because of it I think. It's a fault. Not the important things, but those little things that they probably should do, but I don't make them. I'll regret later probably.
Liz has said she just wants to grow up. Luke and I have told her we don't' want her to. We want her to enjoy being a kid as long as possible. She doesn't understand this. I guess we don't as kids. We just see that there are so many things that we can't do as a kid and we want to do them, so we want to grow up. And then we are there and we wish we could go back and take it slower. There's that song that talks about a little girl growing up and they parents tell her she'll want this back, the childhood, the being a newlywed, the little kid stage, when she says she wants to grow up.
I'm trying to enjoy and to remember to take the days like they are the last. Make the things that matter most, be more important and show that they are more important. And not worry so much about the little things and the things that won't matter in the long run. I still have a lot of improvement I can make. But I am trying to make the memories count more. I just keep trying, and that's all I can do.
On that note.. LOL Here's one of those good memories... Got to love technology by the way!

I am such a slave driver!! It was so hard to sound stern and I couldn't keep sounding like it at the end. It's too bad that my kids know me too well. Slave driver, LOL. He was having fun with the vacuum though. Then he saw me with the camera and the vacuum was all forgotten. He loves the camera!


evitafjord said…
I want to freeze mine right where they are. Such a nice range of ages - one old enough to babysit, all of them old enough to have fun doing stuff, and one still young enough that a lot of things are first-time magical. PAUSE button. drat. That never works.

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