New year- 2010!

So this year has been a quiet one so far, THANK GOODNESS!!! Not going to hold my breath though.
I have starting the year with, "I don't care if my house is messy (at least not too messy). I would rather my kids know I love them, spend time with them, know I still take care of what they need, rather than a spotless house." I have, since Tanner was born, realized that with each child the house just gets a little bit messier. But I hope that my children will grow up knowing that I cared about them and what they were interested in rather than a house that is spotless. That being said, I don't want a disaster of a house, but some untidiness will not kill me or anyone else.

Now for the year's beginning.
Liz and Tanner have started rehearsal for Beauty and the Beast. Lizzy is the candle woman in the villagers. Tanner is a tea cup and a wolf. Which is what he wanted to be from the second he heard of it. So he's one happy camper! Both did great at their try outs. They have been keeping busy with that 2 times a week and one sat a month for now. The show is April 1-3. Anyone that wants to go let me know and I will let you know when tickets go on sale. I am planning on helping where I can. Already went to a costume meeting, and we are so excited.

Both are in choir this year. The kids got to go to a hockey game last month and sing in the stands during the game. I had never been to a hockey game so that was fun! But only 1 or 2 fights. Apparently it's ok cause the ref just stood there and let them go at it!

Liz has been taking band and playing the clarinet. This is her opening it. She chose to have a white one. I think it's very elegant looking. And she loves it.
She had her first concert in Dec for Christmas and did great. I thought all the elementary schools were doing band. I found out, at the concert, that our school is a pilot school.
It has been fun to watch her learn. Although we do need to work on her practicing more.

Tanner turned 10 this year!! He picked out a cake but I told him I couldn't get the parts for it. (Yu-Gi-O cake) So then he decided he wanted a Pokemon ball cake. And I got the greatest OH DUH idea this year. Have it at the church!! It's so hard to have lots of kids and have them all bunched inside because it's winter. Lizzy's we can send them outside. So this year I reserved the church and the kids ran all the heck and had a blast! Came home tired and I wasn't stressed. (Or a house to clean all up) (That's one of the neighbor kids)

Lars just turned 5. The last couple weeks he has been so much better at listening and behaving. He has grown up so much. He loved is cake. He went back and forth on what he wanted and at one point said for me to pick and surprise him. Then he said he wanted a bumble bee cake. I think he was thinking from transformers but this is what he got. He helped make it and that might have helped with him being happy with it. The stripes didn't turn out great because my frosting tip fell out of the bag. But I made do. And he loved it!

Torben is getting so big. He has learned how to open the doors now. Standing on tip toes, or overturning the dirty laundry basket in his and Lizzy's room. We have had to put a child proof door knob thing so he can't get out of bedroom instead of sleeping.
He is starting to talk all kinds of words too. It is way cute to hear him say his siblings names. He loves them like crazy.
This movie clip of him is a couple mins but it's so funny. I love to listen to his laugh. It's very infectious. He wanted a washcloth, I had to get a clean one, and it had to be wet and he wouldn't give it back. But it sure was fun! And it's amazing how they can fall and get right back up, unless it's really bad. You'll know what I mean when you watch it. (Excuse the messy house, it was one of those days. LOL And I will have to put up some other videos another day.) Enjoy!


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