Time flies!

Ok times flies, life gets crazy, too much to do and too little time.
So 2012 catch up...
Luke retired in March, life got settled into routine, kids finished 8th, 6th, 1st and one year of preschool and went on to finish 9th (AHHH high school!!) 7th (AHH he's in middle school!), 2nd, and second year of preschool (ready to go to kindergarden)!!!
Now 2013 has been a good year so far. We have been blessed and we are grateful. We are lucky enough to be able to take care of ourselves and be able to help out some of those around us that have needed help and that we are thankful to give back after we were given help to not that long ago.

Liz is doing her 2nd year of marching band, has her drivers permit!

Tanner is now starting to play violin along with trumpet and loving scouts!
Lars is now in scouts and loving it, and having me teach him piano.
Torben is 5! Crazy!!! He's a handfull still and full of life, ready for kindergarden and doing great!

Our friend Evan is still our "basement troll" and we love him like a brother.

I'm having fun playing with my hobby of photography. I have been taking pictures of all kinds of things. Taking pictures of the band like crazy. And I LOVE it!! I have always loved taking pictures but I am learning a lot and growing in this hobby.

I am also loving learning in the cake making hobby department! And some of my "clients" (my son here) have loved it too.

 I feel like a couple have turned out so well that I had to have a friend who is a professional photographer take some real pictures in his studio. Pictures taken by Richard Keele of Keele Photography. https://www.facebook.com/#!/RichardKeelePhotography  http://www.keelephotography.com/
Now it's summer again. Kids are out of school and some days driving me crazy. Lizzy has marching band practice. She has done 4 parades this summer. We got an above ground swimming pool that the kids wear themselves out in most days. Evan and I finished the back patio. And Luke and I have been educating our children in the ways of Star Trek, watching the movies together as a family. We have been awful parents in waiting this long. LOL



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