
I know that we hear "God won't give you more than you can handle" Some times I think I don't agree with Him, but since He gets the last word.. I have been trying to roll with the punches. (Some times screaming.)
I have been looking at this year. A lot of rough times. I thought near the first of the year (see previous entry) that I had had my big 3 things and was done. Boy was I wrong!! It just keeps going. As my sister says "Who says it can't be multiplies of 3's" Thanks a lot Margo! LOL

But at the same time I have been so very blessed. I have found strength in my parents, the sister, my wonderful neighbors, my dear friends, and extended family. I will firmly stay in my little world that says that my Great Aunt Adrienne (and she is great too) lives here in Utah for the sole purpose of helping me in my crazy life right now.

I have found that although I have been in 3 accidents, (Car, motorcyle, and fall down full flight of stairs) that I have not broken anything, and that although I get the joy of doing PT (some call it Physical Therapy, I call it Personal Torture and yet we keep going back!) I am not seriously injured.
My children have been healthy. Torben had a nasty virus last week that scared me a little with fevers over 104, but he's fine now. But with it, I received a blessing that blessed me with patience. I think the Lord knew I was on that breaking point and that for my kids sake as well as my sanity, I needed some help in the patience department. Not get trials to build it, but just given to me for awhile. I would love it if it would stay forever, but I am betting it's only for a short time period. LOL

I still have a roof over my head, food on the table, health insurance because heaven knows we have needed it this year! LOL (Heck just the last 2 major things for me has been more than $35,000. And I had the sun in my eyes and a horrible view on that life flight ride! OOHHH BUT I was in the news!! LOL) And a pay check coming in regardless that Luke has only worked about 2 hrs since June 1st. Thank you military! (There are some benefits even though we qualify for that WIC I am so ever grateful for.)
I have found that I may have more health issues with my heart than we knew before, but it is something that can be easily taken care of with medicine if we caught it in time before it did damage.

I have tried to find the humor in each. If you can't tell. Because if you don't laugh you will just cry, and I firmly believe that I would much rather laugh than cry. Crying just messes up the makeup and laughter is better for your health!

And I have found I have a strong strength that I thought I had. Got to love the 20/20 hindsight and see that God was so right all along! The refiners fire isn't fun while in the middle of it but afterwards, you are stronger and shine so much more!


Kristal said…
I'm so sorry to hear that your streak hasn't broken yet. Very glad you're ok, though, and not all-out down. You will be blessed through it all, I am sure!

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